We often hear the phrase, “I regret not doing it.” Regrets often stem from missed opportunities, especially those we wish we had seized. We all have startup action plan but we fail to implement it. Have you ever felt this way about something you wish you had done? Personally, I yearned to be an entrepreneur but hesitated. I had ideas, but I didn’t act on them. Today, I’ll share my startup action plan that can help you turn your idea into a reality.
Decide what exactly you want
The biggest problem with people is they do not know their plan. You might say that you plan to start your own business. Well, imagine that you register a company, rent office space, hire employees, and you have your business now, right? But, is it something that you wanted? Of course, not.
To overcome this problem, we must make our startup action plan more achievable. I would like you to add two things to your business plan. The first is a destination, and the second is a deadline. I want to start a business and become the market leader in two years. This plan is more realistic because I know where I want to be and when I want to be there. It gives my mind a deadline and a destination. You must either write down your goal on a piece of paper or digitally where you see it every day. I have set my goal on my phone lock screen. It keeps reminding me of my plan. Now I know that I must act on my idea before my deadline.

Set milestones to Startup Action Plan
When we set long-term goals, we tend to forget them because we cannot plan them far ahead. For example, you want to make a million-dollar sale by next year. What do you think will happen? Are you going to make a million-dollar sale on a magical day? Well, you have to make sales every day, week and month.
The point is to break down your startup action plan into smaller milestones. Try to achieve smaller goals that will lead towards achieving your ultimate goal. You might have to break down your acts into hourly tasks. When I wanted to start my company, I started writing blogs for my website every day and approached 20 clients through social media. I had to start somewhere. These little tasks lead me to my goal.
Remember, start small but think big. Weekly and monthly milestones are the perfect way of moving towards your goal. You can use google calendar or a to-do app for scheduling your tasks.
Attach motivation & celebration
While reading this article, did you feel like this task will be tedious? Did you doubt yourself about doing this every day? Sooner or later, you will have these feelings of doubt and restlessness. I have been in these shoes, and I know it.
Let me tell you something, people would have left this article without reading it till the end, but you are still here. Those people already thought that they might never act on their startup idea. So, I want you to clap for yourself because you did not leave the battle. You are already better than those who left, and you need the same dedication for your goal.
Are you feeling motivated just now? If not, trust me and clap for yourself. When you attach celebration to your milestones, it motivates you. It will keep you moving towards your goal. Go for a nice dinner with your partner after achieving your weekly task or a vacation after a quarterly milestone. I would recommend you add celebration to your milestones to keep you motivated.

Review and modify
We all know that things may not always go as per the plan. What do we do in such scenarios? We must be prepared for such situations and not deviate from our path. The best way to prevent such events is by reviewing and modifying your milestones periodically.
In a nutshell, you should not wake up two years later and say you failed in the goal big time. A constant review is required to check if you are moving on the right path. There will be times when you fail to complete your milestone because of an emergency or maybe health issues. It is okay to compensate for the damages in the upcoming tasks.
Try to find the mistakes and better them within the timeframe. For example, initially, I was approaching 20 clients a day, but later I started 50 clients a day. I made improvements in my tasks as per the requirements. It also means that it is okay to be flexible with your milestones. It will keep you up to date with the latest trends in the market and help you grow faster.

In conclusion, to make you act on a startup plan, make sure you write down your goal with a deadline. Further, divide the goal into small milestones and routine tasks. Keep yourself dedicated and motivated to perform those tasks every day. There will be multiple reasons for not achieving a milestone, but you must compensate them quickly. It is okay to take a break and celebrate your milestones. You must also keep reevaluating your task performance and make changes if required. I hope this article helped you start thinking of acting on your startup plan. Please share this article with a friend who talks about starting up but never takes the initiative.